We are dedicated to being a supportive resource for you, working alongside parents to provide all the information and tools you need to navigate your child’s health and development journey. Here, you’ll find a wealth of valuable resources to answer your questions and ensure the well-being of your little ones.
Digital Media Recommendations
Digital media companies sell your child’s attention (or childhood) to other companies seeking an audience to advertise their products. Digital media companies invest millions in engineering their platforms to promote “user engagement” (or addiction), and they have been very successful.
With respect to social media, in June of 2024, the US Surgeon General wrote:
The mental health crisis among young people is an emergency — and social media has emerged as an important contributor. Adolescents who spend more than three hours a day on social media face double the risk of anxiety and depression symptoms, and the average daily use in this age group, as of the summer of 2023, was 4.8 hours. Additionally, nearly half of adolescents say social media makes them feel worse about their bodies. It is time to require a surgeon general’s warning label on social media platforms, stating that social media is associated with significant mental health harms for adolescents.
As weaning a child from digital media is very difficult, it is best not to let it become a habit. Instead of screens, encourage your child to engage in reading books, active and unstructured play and SEVERELY LIMITING ACCESS TO DIGITAL MEDIA via the following plan:
We recommend the following media plan:
0 – 2yo:
· No digital media or screen time prior to 2yo
3yo and up:
· Caregivers set good examples by following these rules as well
· Don’t bring video game consoles into your home. They are EXTREMELY habit forming and likely will result in years of friction between you and your child
Protect Childhood
· Limit non-school related digital media to 1 hour per day, and only after 1 hour of physical activity, homework is complete, and bedroom is clean.
· No smartphones until high school
· No social media until 16yo
Protect Homework and Family Time
· No entertainment media while doing homework or eating with family
Protect Time for Sleep
· No digital media in the 1 hour before bedtime
· Disable internet 30min prior to bedtime
· No screens in bedrooms
· Charge devices in parent or caregiver’s bedroom
No Show Policy
Our goal is to provide the highest quality care in a timely manner. To achieve this goal, we have established an Appointment Cancellation/No Show Policy. If you need to cancel your child’s routine appointment, please call 24 hours prior to the appointment time. If you need to cancel your child’s sick appointment, please call at least 2 hours prior to the appointment time. Patients that miss their appointments without prior notification are sent a letter after the first and second offense. Patients may be terminated, at the discretion of their PCP after missing three appointments without prior notification.
These are the major insurances that we will file claims to, for patients. If you do not see your plan name listed, please call the office to see if we are in network with your plan.
When calling to schedule an appt, please make sure your insurance is up to date. If not able to confirm insurance eligibility prior to the appointment, Asheville Pediatrics will require $200 upon check in and the balance on check out.
- Medicaid Direct
- UHC Community Plan
- Healthy Blue
- AmeriHealth Caritas
AmeriHealth is offering several resources and incentives to their patients. Please follow the links below to learn more.
Care Needs Screening and Reward
Teen Mental Health First Aid Program
- Wellcare
- Blue Cross Blue Shield
- United Healthcare
- Medcost
- Cigna
- Humana
- Crescent
- Tricare Standard
- Aetna
Vaccine Policy
We only accept patients who follow the ACIP recommended vaccine schedule. As pediatricians, we strive to keep children healthy while practicing evidence-based medicine. Vaccines are a crucial aspect of keeping children healthy. If you have concerns or questions over vaccines, we are happy to discuss them with you. In January 2017, the American Academy of Pediatrics has again reiterated in its most recent statement on vaccines; “Vaccines protect children’s health and save lives. They prevent life-threatening diseases, including forms of cancer. Vaccines have been part of the fabric of our society and are the most significant medical innovation of our time.” Follow the link to view the vaccine schedule recommended by the AAP and ACIP.